You are not who you think you are – existential poem

You are not who you think you are.
You are not who I think you are.
Who you really are is … unthinkable.


I am not who you think I am.
I am not who I think I am.
Who I really am is … unthinkable.


Who you are is real.
Who I am is real.


Who you think you are has the reality of a thought, nothing more and nothing less then a thought.
Who I think you are has the reality of a thought, nothing more and nothing less then a thought.


Who you think I am has the reality of a thought, nothing more and nothing less then a thought.
Who I think I am has the reality of a thought, nothing more and nothing less then a thought.


Who you believe you are has the power of a belief, nothing more and nothing less then a belief.
Who I believe you are has the power of a belief, nothing more and nothing less then a belief.


Who you believe I am has the power of a belief, nothing more and nothing less then a belief.
Who I believe I am has the power of a belief, nothing more and nothing less then a belief.


Who you are is the reality of your existence, which is infinitely more then any idea or any belief about who you are.


Who I am is the reality of my existence, which is infinitely more then any idea or any belief about who I am.


You realizing who you are is gaining awareness of the reality of your existence. This awareness comes from the pure consciousness innately present in your existence. It resides beyond the mind and thus beyond any idea, concept and belief about who you are. It is existence being purely aware of itself and of all its creations.


Me realizing who I am is gaining awareness of the reality of my existence. This awareness comes from the pure consciousness innately present in my existence. It resides beyond the mind and thus beyond any idea, concept and belief about who I am. It is existence being purely aware of itself and of all its creations.


Jan Janssen – August 11th 2016.

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