… a spontaneous relationship style that emerges naturally as the result of acquiring, to a certain extent, all the 19 previous elements of IP.
The mechanics work as follows:
- we migrate naturally toward people, groups, places, and situations where we have an authentic purpose and a reason to be while …
- we know what our purpose and reason is and fully engage in it and …
- we find or recognize fluently the right person, people, groups, institutions, … to interact with naturally …
- doing the right action in the right moment, …
- saying the rights words with the right intonation to the right person or group in the right moment, …
- receiving the right thoughts, inspiration, information, and guidance in the right moment and because this perfect following of guidance …
- we operate in the power, strength, and grace of the Cosmic Stream of Creative Life Force.
This living grace is best compared to a well functioning orchestra … each musician masters his instrument (body, ego, soul, and spirit), is eager to play music together (soul longing, soul belonging), has his own partition (individual soul mission), and follows the leadings of the conductor (Higher Self guidance synchronized with All by the Highest) so together with the rest of the orchestra he plays a beautiful piece of music (Architecture of Life) from and genius composer (Source, the Architect of Creation, God).
I don’t how much time and evolution it will take, yet I strongly believe that all members and aspects humanity and life on Earth are destined te become a beautiful and harmonious expression one unified co-creation.
It is the realization of God’s promise to humankind expressed through the prophet Jeremiah (31:33-34).
“This is the covenant I will make with the people,” declares the Lord.
“I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.
No longer will they teach their neighbor,
or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’
because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.”