IP Study group

For graduates by invitation. In-person and via Zoom.


  • having completed the online course on Alignment+.
  • having attended the MasterClass Energy Healing in August 2023 or having completed online course on 4 Dimensions of Humankind.

Dates and time :

Tuesday January 9th , Monday March 11th, Friday May 10th, and Tuesday August 27th 2024.

Price :

(after online course) 150,-€ per session or 480,-€ for the series of 4 sessions

Payments : 

By PayPal (PayPal transaction and currency conversion fees apply)

Payment (pick 1 of the 8 options in this list)

By bank transfer:

Please address your payment to:

  • Integral Presence
  • IBAN: BE06 7440 5635 9922

(transaction and conversion fees are paid by the sender)


Tuesday January 9th , Monday March 11th, Friday May 10th, and Tuesday August 27th 2024.

Time schedule:

  • 5 pm to 9 pm Brussels time (CET)
  • = 11 am to 3 pm US East coast
  • = 8 am to noon US West coast
  • = 11 pm to 3 am Vietnam


  • IP guided meditation
  • Personal process work for who wants
  • Themes and topics on request

As of three days prior to an upcoming to a Study Group class, you can post themes, requests, and questions on our private WhatsApp group. They will all be taken into consideration, yet the finality of the content will eventuate from our joint intention(s), the present moment needs and wave of the group, the leadings of our guides, and the blessings of the Cosmic Power Current.

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